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1966: write_header_message: Copy up to 16 bytes from address in DE to row 0 in page display buffer.
Used by the routines at telesoftware_main and display_message.
write_header_message 1966 CALL clear_header_start Clear 16 characters of header to spaces.
1969 LD HL,(page_display_buffer_pointer) Load address of page display buffer and add 8 to move to start of page header.
196C LD BC,$0008
1970 LD B,$20 Set B to 16 as a loop counter.
write_header_message_0 1972 LD A,(DE) Load next character from string in DE.
1973 CP $24 Return if character is '$'.
1975 JR Z,write_header_message_1
1977 LD (HL),A Else copy character to string in HL and advance string pointers.
1978 INC DE
1979 INC HL
197A DJNZ write_header_message_0 Loop through up to 16 characters then return.
write_header_message_1 197C RET
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