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10F0: enter_subcode_and_clear: Get valid page subcode then clear the page buffer.
enter_subcode_and_clear 10F0 LD HL,(page_display_buffer_pointer) Load page_display_buffer_pointer into HL and add 3.
10F3 LD BC,$0003
enter_subcode_and_clear_0 10F7 CALL get_dec_digit Get a keypress in the range 0-9.
10FA PUSH AF Set subpage_search_flag.
10FB LD A,$01
10FD LD (subpage_search_flag),A
1100 POP AF
1101 CP $30 If number is 0 or greater than 3 loop back and get another keypress.
1103 JR C,enter_subcode_and_clear_0
1105 CP $34
1107 JR NC,enter_subcode_and_clear_0
1109 INC HL Else write key code to next byte in page display buffer.
110A LD (HL),A
110B AND $0F Convert to an integer.
110D LD (subcode_S4),A Store in subcode_S4.
1110 CALL display_header_row Decode and display header row data.
1113 CALL get_hex_digit Get a keypress in the range 0-9 or A-F.
1116 INC HL Write key code to next byte in page display buffer.
1117 LD (HL),A
1118 CP $41 Convert to integer.
111A JR C,enter_subcode_and_clear_1
111C ADD A,$09
enter_subcode_and_clear_1 111E AND $0F
1120 LD (subcode_S3),A Store in subcode_S3.
1123 CALL display_header_row Decode and display header row data.
enter_subcode_and_clear_2 1126 CALL get_dec_digit Get a keypress in the range 0-9.
1129 CP $38 If number greater than 7 loop back and get another keypress.
112B JR NC,enter_subcode_and_clear_2
112D INC HL Else write key code to next byte in page display buffer.
112E LD (HL),A
112F AND $0F Convert to integer.
1131 LD (subcode_S2),A Store in subcode_S2.
1134 CALL display_header_row Decode and display header row data.
1137 CALL get_hex_digit Get a keypress in the range 0-9 or A-F.
113A INC HL Write key code to next byte in page display buffer.
113B LD (HL),A
113C CP $41 Convert to integer.
113E JR C,enter_subcode_and_clear_3
1140 ADD A,$09
enter_subcode_and_clear_3 1142 AND $0F
1144 LD (subcode_S1),A Store in subcode_S1.
1147 CALL display_header_row Decode and display header row data.
This entry point is used by the routine at enter_page_and_clear.
enter_subcode_and_clear_4 114A CALL clear_page_buffer Clear page display buffer.
114D CALL clear_receive_rows Clear all rows except header in page receive buffer.
1150 XOR A Clear ignore_packets_flag and return.
1151 LD (ignore_packets_flag),A
1154 RET
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