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1D66: buffers_in_screen: Reposition the page receive buffer at $4840 and the page display buffer at $5000 (within screen RAM).
Used by the routine at telesoftware_main.
buffers_in_screen 1D66 LD HL,$4840 Set page_receive_buffer_pointer to $4840 and page_display_buffer_pointer to $5000.
1D69 LD (page_receive_buffer_pointer),HL
1D6C LD HL,$5000
1D6F LD (page_display_buffer_pointer),HL
1D72 XOR A Clear attributes for row 1-23 to 0 (black on black).
1D73 LD HL,$5820
1D76 LD DE,$5821
1D79 LD (HL),A
1D7A LD BC,$02DF
1D7F LD HL,($5CB4) OR P_RAMT with $7FFF and store result in telesoftware_RAMT.
1D82 LD A,$FF
1D84 LD L,A
1D85 RES 7,A
1D87 OR H
1D88 LD H,A
1D89 LD (telesoftware_RAMT),HL
1D8C XOR A Set blocks_remaining to zero.
1D8D LD (blocks_remaining),A
1D90 LD HL,$4800 Clear 64 bytes at $4800 and return.
1D93 LD DE,$4801
1D96 LD (HL),A
1D97 LD BC,$003F
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